May 28, 2019 Brian Tervo, CEO

First Impressions Don’t Give Second Chances

Total retail sales in the United States hit $3.6 trillion last year, with a full 85% of that figure reflected in purchases in retail stores. While that is reassuring for brands that have a strong presence on the sales floors of brick and mortar locations, it’s not the whole story. A new study from facilities management firm ServiceChannel highlights the immense importance of how a store looks to a shopper. The study identified some of the significant reasons why a shopper will leave a store.

  • 64% of shoppers have left a store because of its physical appearance
  • 69% of shoppers who have just one bad in-store experience are 80% less likely to return
  • 84% of respondents said a store’s cleanliness is important to them, but only 18% of shoppers think retailers are getting this done

There is never a second chance to make a first impression, and this holds true for brands and in-store sales. You can’t enhance your brand’s image if customers see your new line strewn all over the shelves. Highly interactive is the #1 requirement for shoppers ages 18-35; these customers want to see, touch, and try on new colors and the latest styles. If there is no place for a customer to sit down and try on those new kicks, they’ll walk away. If a store doesn’t have enough variety in their stock, it’s a sales killer. 

To add insult to injury - retailers are cutting store associates in an effort to maintain margins. Forget cleanliness – a customer often can’t even find someone to check them out for your product they’ve decided to buy.

You can’t leave your sales to store associates who have ghosted you – that’s where ThirdChannel steps in. Alongside our field agent network, our merchandising module can help you determine –

  • How many associates are actually on the floor, by store?
  • Where are my products well displayed – and where are they not?
  • How many total are on display vs. unique on display?
  • Where is my product showcased in the store?
And, most importantly, effectively identify stores that need closer attention, and those that do not. 100/100 times, ThirdChannel brands misidentified “problem stores” and were, therefore, placing valuable dollars in stores that did not need them. Our powerful technology cuts the guesswork, giving you not only clear quantitative visibility but also time back for you to make more strategic decisions.

Leave the store associates behind and let us partner together – give us a call.

Published by Brian Tervo, CEO May 28, 2019
Brian Tervo, CEO