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Challenger Brands Are Changing Retail — Here's How to Outcompete Them

Written by Brian Tervo, CEO | Sep 9, 2024 3:48:55 PM

The retail rules have changed — challenger brands are rewriting the playbook, moving fast, breaking molds, and winning over customers with fearless innovation. But that doesn't mean you have to sit back and watch them steal your market share.
What’s their secret? Bold marketing, authentic storytelling, and an obsession with their customers. They’re built to disrupt, to challenge the norm. But here’s the catch: you can take that same energy and use it to your advantage. You have the resources, the scale, and the experience. You just need the right strategy to outpace them.

In this blog, we’ll dive into what makes challenger brands so dangerous and how you can use your strengths to not only compete but win. Let’s get started:

First, What Is a Challenger Brand?

A challenger brand is not content with being second-best. 
Instead, they challenge the status quo by disrupting established markets with innovation, differentiation, and a deep understanding of their audience. Unlike disruptor brands, which create entirely new categories (think Uber or Airbnb), challenger brands operate within the existing market but aim to outperform and out-innovate established competitors. They thrive on being the underdog, appealing to consumers who want something fresh, bold, and aligned with their values.
Challenger brands typically share several key traits:

  • Innovation and Differentiation. They often introduce new products, services, or business models that stand out. For example, Warby Parker revolutionized eyewear by cutting out the middleman and offering stylish, affordable glasses directly to consumers.

  • Bold Marketing. Their marketing campaigns tend to be edgy, provocative, and targeted at younger, trend-conscious consumers.

  • Agility. These brands are nimble. With fewer layers of bureaucracy, they can quickly pivot, respond to trends, and adapt to customer feedback.

  • Consumer-Centric Approach. They prioritize understanding and meeting their audience's needs, often more effectively than their larger competitors.

  • Purpose-Driven. Many challenger brands lead with strong values, like sustainability or ethical sourcing, which resonate deeply with modern consumers.

Challenger brands don’t play by the rules. They push established brands to innovate and rethink their strategies—because standing still is not an option.

The Threat: Why Challenger Brands Are So Effective

Challenger brands have captured a critical shift in consumer behavior. Today’s customers demand more than just a product — they want authenticity, values they can align with, and a personalized shopping experience. In fact, 88% of consumers say the experience a company provides is just as important as the products and services they offer. Challenger brands capitalize on this by building strong emotional connections and delivering bold, purpose-driven messages that resonate.
This ability to connect emotionally, coupled with their agility, makes them a formidable force. Take Dollar Shave Club, for example: they disrupted the razor market by addressing convenience and affordability with a simple, direct-to-consumer subscription model that instantly hit home with customers. They moved fast and met unmet needs — a strategy that continues to set challenger brands apart.

Outpace Challenger Brands by Leveraging Your Scale and Presence

Challenger brands are a tough opponent, but established retailers have their own advantages. The key is to combine the agility of a challenger brand with the scale, resources, and market presence of an established company. Here’s how:

  1. Leverage Your Scale and Resources.
    While challenger brands may be nimble, established brands have the advantage of scale. Use this to your benefit by offering exclusive products, building loyalty programs, and using your extensive distribution networks to provide a seamless omnichannel experience. Capitalize on your partnerships with suppliers and manufacturers to secure faster delivery times or better pricing, adding value competitors can’t match.

  2. Invest in Data-Driven Personalization.
    Challenger brands are great at customer-centricity because they engage directly with their audience through social media and other channels. But established brands have access to deeper customer data. Use that data to drive personalized marketing, which can increase customer retention and maximize lifetime value. Analyze purchasing patterns, preferences, and trends to deliver tailored offers and experiences your customers can’t resist.

  3. Innovate Continuously.
    Innovation is the hallmark of a challenger brand, but established retailers can innovate, too. Create dedicated teams focused on experimenting with new retail formats (such as pop-up stores or immersive experiences), introducing fresh product lines, and adopting technologies like AI to improve customer engagement. Launch pilot programs for new technologies, like augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR), to test and iterate quickly based on customer feedback.

  4. Engage Customers in New Ways.
    Challenger brands excel at creating two-way dialogues with customers. Glossier, for example, leveraged its blog community to develop new products based on direct consumer feedback. Established brands can follow suit by building their own communities or enhancing existing loyalty programs to engage customers more deeply. And with 77% of consumers preferring to buy from brands they follow on social media, this channel offers a powerful new way to engage customers through direct interaction, personalized content, and real-time feedback.

  5. Lead with Purpose.
    Today’s consumers want to know the companies they buy from care about the same causes they do. Almost 90% of customers value brand authenticity when making buying decisions, meaning it’s crucial to clearly communicate your values. Whether through sustainability initiatives, ethical sourcing, or community contributions, your brand’s purpose should be at the forefront.

3 Ways Retailers Can Balance Challenger & Established Brands

As a retailer, finding the right balance between showcasing challenger brands and established brands is key to delivering a well-rounded shopping experience. Both bring valuable attributes to the table — challenger brands bring excitement and innovation, while established brands offer trust and reliability. Here’s how to maintain that balance:

  • Curate a Balanced Product Mix. Offering a mix of both challenger and established brands appeals to a wide range of customers, catering to those looking for trend-driven options as well as those seeking consistency and heritage.
    • Bonus Step: Regularly review your product lineup to ensure a mix of innovative products from challenger brands and trusted staples from established brands. Showcase both types together to create a dynamic shopping experience.

  • Leverage Data for Strategic Decisions. Use data to understand which brands are resonating most with your customers. This insight helps guide product placement, inventory decisions, and promotional strategies.
    • Bonus Step: Invest in advanced analytics to track performance in real-time. Platforms like ThirdChannel can offer insights into brand performance, allowing you to optimize your retail shelf strategy based on data-driven insights.

  • Highlight Complementary Strengths. Challenger and established brands often appeal to different types of customers. By highlighting the strengths of both, such as pairing innovative challenger products with the reliability of established brands, you create opportunities for cross-purchasing.
    • Action Step: Design promotions that bundle complementary products from challenger and established brands to drive customer interest and increase sales.

How to Stay Ahead with Tools Like ThirdChannel

To outcompete challenger brands, you need to not only innovate but also execute flawlessly —and that’s where tools like ThirdChannel come in.

  • Real-Time Performance Tracking: With ThirdChannel, you get immediate insights into how both challenger and established brands are performing in your stores. This allows you to make quick adjustments to inventory, displays, and marketing strategies to ensure you’re always ahead.

  • Brand Reps as Your Eyes and Ears: ThirdChannel’s brand reps provide on-the-ground support, ensuring your in-store execution is perfect. They gather real-time data on customer interactions and competitor activity, helping you stay agile and keep competitor encroachment to a minimum.

  • Optimize Product Placement: Using data-driven insights, ThirdChannel helps ensure that both challenger and established brands are displayed in the most strategic locations, maximizing visibility and driving sales.

Leverage Your Strengths and Win with ThirdChannel

Challenger brands may have rewritten the rules, but you have the advantage of rewriting the game. 
You have the resources to move faster, the data to know what your customers want before they do, and the trust that challenger brands are still fighting to build. You’ve built your brand on loyalty and reliability. Now, it’s time to infuse that with innovation, purpose, and a deeper connection to your customers. When you leverage all of that, your brand becomes unstoppable.
Want to learn how? Schedule a demo with ThirdChannel and discover how smarter retail execution can help you outpace challenger brands and keep your competitive edge.